Author: Solomon

England’s Greatest Queen

After King Henry VIII died, his son, Edward VI, became king of England. It didn't…

Martin Luther and Henry VIII

As European countries explored the Americas, Africa, and Asia, the Catholic Church tried to hold…


March 1, 2024. The Southeast has big rivers, fertile plains, and rounded mountains, such as…

Unbroken – Book

When Louie was a boy, he loved to do mischief. When he turned five, he…

The War of the Roses

Henry VI, son of Henry V, was the baby king of some of France and…

The Crusades…

During the Middle Ages, the Islamic Empire was getting too powerful! Soon, they were so…

My Time at Florida!

I went to Florida for vacation! It was very fun there, and I can't wait…

Samurai and Knights!

The knights fought very well in battles. So, when there was no war, they did…


Gossamer - Lime-leaf- Rose-tree- Profound- pinions- skylark- bouyant- exulting- swells ecstacy bland- lacking strong features…

Book Summary- ROME

After Julius Caesar's death, his adopted son Octavian, took control of Caesar's wealth. Octavian used…